Frequently asked question:

Help us celebrate our cooperative commitment to community in June!
Our Shine the Light contest is an an opportunity for member-consumers and employees of Iowa’s locally owned electric cooperatives to nominate someone who's making a positive difference in their community.
The Iowa volunteer you nominate during the month of June could be one of three winners who will each receive a $3,000 donation for their local charity or community organization. Additionally, the three winners will be featured in the September issue of Iowa Electric Cooperative Living magazine.
Member-consumers and employees of any Iowa electric cooperative are eligible to enter the contest in June and nominate a local community volunteer. (If you receive electricity from an Iowa electric co-op, you are a member-consumer and eligible to nominate.) You must be at least 18 years old to make a nomination. Limit one entry per electric co-op account/household.
The local Iowa volunteer you are nominating does not need to be an electric co-op member-consumer. Minors may be nominated with consent from their parents or legal guardians.
Our panel of judges will review all eligible contest entries and select up to three Iowa winners, who will be announced in September. A $3,000 donation will be made in each winner's name to their local charity or nonprofit organization.
Additionally, our winners will be featured in the September issue of Iowa Electric Cooperative Living magazine which is mailed out to more than 55,000 rural Iowa households and businesses each month.
We will accept contest entries at this website from June 1 to June 30 each year. Click "Nominate a Volunteer" in the menu to get started. You'll need to provide your contact information, your electric co-op affiliation and your nominee's contact information.
The application will also ask you to answer this question in 500 words or less: How has your nominee made a difference in the community and how might the local charity/nonprofit use the $3,000 donation?